This week, I'm switching gears a little. Instead of trying to scare you with facts about animal feces or antibiotic resistance, I'm just going to give you a shopping suggestion. To me, it seems like modern advancement has led to this growing need for instant gratification. Instant knowledge, instant messaging, "instant food." Let's face it, it's very tempting to pop in a frozen dinner at the end of the day rather than cook some vegetables you grew in your own garden. Now I'm not saying you HAVE to grow your own foods to live without relying on factory farmed, processed foods. I'm just saying, there is another way.
If you live in or around Morgantown, WV and you're a fan of organics or local produce, you should check out Mountain People's Co-op. I recently started shopping there myself, and I have to say, the experience is profoundly different from shopping at any grocery store you've been to. I didn't even realize just how many different foods there are! Until recently, I had never heard of the mung bean. As it turns out, you can make fettuchini out of them; it's gluten-free, USDA organic, and it's awesome. In fact, without even realizing it I purchased ONLY organic products the first time I shopped at the co-op. They have a wide selection of grains in bulk jars, so you can scoop out how much you want for a recipe that evening or a week's supply, depending on your needs. The dairy boasts its freshness, labeling each egg carton with the "laid on" rather than the "use by" date. In the frozen section, instead of finding stacks of Digiorno pizza and hot pockets filled with "cheese product" and "spam," you find tofu, some frozen whole-grain breads, and a variety of organic meat from local farmers (organic isn't just for vegetarians anymore). The store may be small, but they fit a selection unparalleled in our area into those little walls. If you're interested in trying a different way to eat, you need to check it out for yourself, and maybe even visit their blog. They have some really unique recipes with lots of ingredients no one has ever heard of, so it's perfect for the adventurous chef. Try it! I promise, food does not have to be processed the be delicious.
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